Problems that arise in the school system involving 504 and IEP plans, can negatively affect a student’s ability to access the curriculum in the classroom. It is difficult for most parents to know what to do next. An educational advocate can help them understand their child’s legal rights within a public school system. These meetings with the school district can be emotional and difficult to understand. Our professionals can act as a liaison between you and their school to ensure that they are receiving the services, education, and care that is appropriate for them.
The School Advocacy Process:

Complete a chart review of all
previous IEP plans, evaluations,
medical information, etc.
Schedule a phone call to discuss concerns, plans and schedule a
meeting with the school district.
Attend the meeting with you and help guide the IEP meeting process to
ensure the best outcomes.
Schedule a follow up meeting with
the parents to discuss any
requisite next steps.